General Selectric... After the title sequence, the selection screen appears. use the cursor keys to move the highlighted arrow to the item you wish to change, then press the ENTER key to make the change. Remember, there are always three (3) networks in "TV Mogul". This screen will allow you to select the keys you will use during the SPECIAL AUCTION. Any of the keys on the keyboard can be used by any of the three players, although the defaults seem to work well. You can toggle the HUMAN/COMPUTER slots to decide which networks you'd like the computer to play. When you have changed all you care to, press the ESC key to begin the game. Use the mouse, joystick or keyboard arrows to move the cursor, Enter is like the button, ESC leaves the screen, ? will show available options. Keys used in bidding: Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 BID UP: F2 M Up-arrow BID DOWN: F1 N Down-Arrow